Cinergy – Citizens for Energy

The new publication by A Sud and the European network “Cinergy”

{ We are pleased to inform you that the e-book “Cinergy – Citizens for Energy” is now available, free to download. }

This publication is the result of the European project CINERGY, carried out by A Sud, together with local authorities, civil society organisations, NGOs and training providers active in the energy field in Italy, Great Britain, Slovenia, Croatia, Bulgaria and Romania.

Having reached its conclusion after a year and a half, CINERGY has been an extraordinary opportunity to collect and exchange experiences, expertise and good practices in the field of community energy and energy democracy throughout Europe.

The publication gathers the results of 20 local focus groups – conducted from 2012 to today in all 6 partner countries – and of 4 international workshops to which CDCA had actively participated.

Starting from an analysis of the state of the art on European strategies, directives and tools in the field of renewable energy and energy democracy, this study aims to spur new reflections towards the development of recommendations for a more effective European energy strategy, based on the idea of energy as a common good and essential service.

A specific focus is dedicated to the methodologies and strategies of communication and participation to be implemented in order to foster a democratic, equitable and participatory energy management.

The CINERGY Project has recognised that different States have different approaches and concepts regarding community owned renewable energy. This is not conducive to the future development of community energy across the EU. However, the benefits of community owned renewable energy are tangible, supporting communities and adding to community and regional resilience. This is why A Sud, and all participants of the CINERGY Project, call upon the EU Commission, and in particular the EU Energy Council, to recognise Community Energy as a growth sector and to support the development of a trans-national group: Community Energy Europe.

More info at:

The CINERGY project is funded by the European Commission through the programme LLP Grundtvig.

Partnership: Ce.S.F.Or. (Italy), A Sud (Italy), CIPRA (Slovenia), Za Zemiata (Bulgaria), Prietenii Pamantului (Romania), Low Carbon Communities Network (UK), DOOR (Croatia), London Borough of Haringey (UK).

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