
[posted by Warren Cornwall on Science, March 1st, 2018] For Jaharul Sardar, a rice farmer in rural Bangladesh, the perils of living behind a wall hit home one cloudy May afternoon in 2009. Sardar was standing beside his fields when he heard neighbors cry out in alarm. A black hill of seawater was sweeping toward him. Sardar’s wife and 5-year-old son clambered atop the embankment that stands guard over his mud-floored house....

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[posted by Parth M.N. on People’s Archive of Rural India, March 8th, 2018] Shankar Waghere flings his plastic bag on the ground and hunches over on his wooden cane to gather his breath. Then he kneels down, panting, and closes his eyes. They remain shut for the next 15 minutes. It’s been a lot of walking today for this 65-year old. Around him, in the darkness, are some 25,000 other farmers. “We have to fight for our rights,” he...

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[posted on Center for International Environmental Law, February 9th, 2018] Yesterday, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights released a precedent-setting opinion which recognizes the right to a healthy environment as fundamental to human existence and enumerates key duties of States in protecting that and other environment-related rights. “This opinion extends and strengthens the growing body of law confirming States’ obligations to...

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Stop ai progetti di estrazione del gas in Europa

Stop ai progetti di estrazione del gas in Europa

Riceviamo e diffondiamo.   Il Parlamento Europeo sta per decidere se appoggiare la costruzione di oltre 90 progetti per l’estrazione di gas naturale. Abbiamo fino a mercoledì 14 per unirci alle comunità che subiranno gli impatti di questi progetti e chiedere ai nostri rappresentanti di opporsi.   Manda subito un’email ai tuoi rappresentanti presso il Parlamento Europeo.   La lista dei progetti include il...

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[posted by Rob Evans on The Guardian, March 7th, 2018] Another firm is seeking a sweeping injunction against environmental protesters, drawing accusations that the legal move is “draconian and chillingly anti-democratic”. UK Oil and Gas (UKOG) has applied for a broad injunction to prevent campaigners from mounting protests that it says would unlawfully interfere with its operations. The injunction, if granted by a judge, would cover...

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[posted by Dom Phillips on The Guardian, March 7th, 2018] At least 7.7 million Brazilians, or one every minute, have been forced to leave their homes since 2000, a pioneering study has found. Of those, 6.4 million moved after large-scale flooding, droughts and other natural disasters, while 1.2 million were forced out by large-scale construction projects such as dams. The analysis was conducted by Forced Migration Observatory (FMO), a...

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