
[By Paul Brown on] Analysts say tackling climate change is a more difficult and expensive challenge for governments than achieving the unconnected goal of being self-reliant for energy needs. For many governments aiming to reduce their import bills and avoid being reliant for fuel on potentially hostile or unstable foreign powers, energy independence is the ultimate goal. But international economists have...

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[By Tim Radford on] Melting sea ice is affecting the closely-linked Arctic climate in a feedback that will speed up warming there, scientists say. Scientists have established at least one factor in the record melting of northern Greenland in 2015. The Arctic itself played a hand in what happened. In a process that engineers call positive feedback, high atmospheric pressure and clear skies over the Arctic region...

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Energia per l’Europa: Sfidare la cooperazione transfontaliera

Energia per l’Europa: Sfidare la cooperazione transfontaliera

Che cosa implica la cooperazione transfrontaliera  per i paesi UE, per i paesi dell’Europa orientale e del Nord Africa ? Che cosa è la finanziarizzazione e quali impatti può avere nel contesto delle infrastrutture energetiche? Come questi temi si legano alla giustizia climatica e alla democrazia ? E come la popolazione dei diversi paesi può cooperare al fine di istituire una rete di attivismo transfrontaliero  e promuovere “lo...

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[By drafting on] The report of the UN Secretary General for the World Humanitarian Summit outlines a series of actions states are encouraged to take with a view to addressing displacement in a responsible way. In this framework the Agenda for Humanity, attached to the Report, stresses the need for law and policy making efforts at regional and national level. This paper provides a reflection on the...

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[By Caroline Zickgraf, Sara Vigil, Florence de Longueville, Pierre Ozer and François Gemenne on] From the Sahel to the coast, West Africa is experiencing a variety of environmental change impacts, whether resulting from slowonset changes or sudden shocks. They are significantly influencing migration patterns in and out of West Africa. In this region where natural resources form the foundation of livelihoods and food...

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[By Marco Armiero e Anna Fava on “Capitalism Nature Socialism”] In the last few years, Acerra, a town in the Neapolitan hinterland in Italy, has become the epicenter of a waste crisis that has engulfed the entire Campania region since 1994 (see Figure 1). According to the corporate/governmental plan, the construction of a gigantic incinerator in Acerra should have definitely solved the so-called waste emergency, bringing progress to...

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