
[By Eniko Horvath on] Now is the time to secure a fast and fair transition to a low-carbon economy by ensuring renewable energy does not compromise the lives and rights of local communities. Earlier this year Berta Cáceres, a prominent indigenous community leader opposing a hydropower project (Agua Zarca) in Honduras, was killed in her home, eliciting an international outcry from government leaders and civil...

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[By editing on] In a new study, environmental pollutants found in fish were shown to obstruct the human body’s natural defense system to expel harmful toxins. The Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego-led research team suggests that this information should be used to better assess the human health risks from eating contaminated seafood. The study was published in the April 15 issue of the journal...

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[By Nick Meynen on] Saturday 21 May is the 3rd international day of action against Chevron. At this occasion, a new map with 30 conflicts between Chevron and different communities all over the world is launched at the Atlas of Environmental Justice (EJAtlas). The reasons for organising this day and making this map are given by the affected communities themselves. “The AntiChevron Day represents for us an opportunity to...

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[By Arthur Neslen on] US oil company wanted EU-US trade deal to give foreign investors the legal right to challenge government decision, documents show. Chevron lobbied the EU to give foreign investors the legal right to challenge government decisions in a major US-EU trade deal because it would act as a deterrent against laws such as fracking bans, the Guardian can reveal. Environmentalists have long-warned that the...

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Conferenza ENTITLE: Undisciplined Environments

Conferenza ENTITLE: Undisciplined Environments

CONFERENZA ENTITLE: AMBIENTI INDISCIPLINATI Conferenza internazionale del Network europeo di Ecologia Politica – ENTITLE Stoccolma, 20-23 Marzo 2016 Energia e conflitti sono al centro dei cambiamenti socio-ambientali, ma le conoscenze esistenti e le istituzioni di istruzione superiore sono mal equipaggiate per affrontarli. La maggior parte delle ricerche ambientali socialmente rilevanti si svolge all’interno di...

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UNDISCIPLINED ENVIRONMENTS –  Conferenza Internazionale della Rete europea di Ecologia Politica

UNDISCIPLINED ENVIRONMENTS – Conferenza Internazionale della Rete europea di Ecologia Politica

UNDISCIPLINED ENVIRONMENTS – La Conferenza Internazionale della Rete europea di Ecologia Politica Circa 400 studiosi, attivisti e artisti si riuniranno a Stoccolma dal 20 al 24 marzo per discutere sulle  possibilità di una ecologia politica oltre i confini disciplinari. La rete europea di ecologia politica (ENTITLE) ha lanciato il programma preliminare per la Conferenza internazionale “Undisciplined Environmets”,  la prima...

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