A call for action and volunteering!

A call for action and volunteering!

Conferenza Internazionale: Undisciplined Environments! KTH, Stoccolma 20-23 Marzo 2016 Hai a cuore le tematiche legate alla giustizia ambientale e sociale ? Hai voglia di partecipare ad un evento unico dove si confronteranno studiosi e attivisti provenienti da tutto il mondo per riflette su sostenibilità e conflittualità ambientale ? Puoi far parte della nostra squadra ! Leggi la call completa in...

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[By Alejandro Colsa Perez, Bernadette Grafton, Paul Mohai, Rebecca Hardin, Katy Hintzen and Sara Orvis on Iopscience.iop.org] ABSTRACT – To complement a recent flush of research on transnational environmental justice movements, we sought a deeper organizational history of what we understand as the contemporary environmental justice movement in the United States. We thus conducted in-depth interviews with 31 prominent environmental...

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[By Leah Temper, Daniela del Bene and Joan Martinez-Alier for Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, Spain] ABSTACT – This article highlights the need for collaborative research on ecological conflicts within a global perspective. As the social metabolism of our industrial economy increases, intensifying extractive activities and the production of waste, the related social and environmental impacts generate conflicts and resistance across...

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[:en][By David Hill on Theguardian.com] Former deputy editor of National Geographic Brazil says a “humanitarian catastrophe” is taking place in Brazil’s Amazon. One of the perpetrators of arguably Brazil’s most internationally high-profile murders in recent years is currently walking around free. In 2013, amid much media coverage, Lindonjonson Silva Rocha was sentenced to 42 years prison for killing two nut...

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[:en]Todd Stern, why don’t you acknowledge the ecological debt?[:]

[:en]Todd Stern, why don’t you acknowledge the ecological debt?[:]

[:en][By Joan Martinez-Alier on Ejolt.org] In one of the last days of the COP21 in Paris in December 2015, where the pressure in the streets from the environmental justice movement was lacking, the special ambassador from the United States, Todd Stern, reiterated again that “there’s one thing that we don’t accept and won’t accept in this agreement and that is the notion that there should be liability and compensation for loss and...

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[:en]For a Critique of Carbon Trading Dogma[:]

[:en]For a Critique of Carbon Trading Dogma[:]

[:en][By Emanuele Leonardi* on Entitleblog.org] Market fundamentalism must be reversed if a politically sound solution to climate change is to be found. From this perspective, Cop 21 will not deliver. As expected, there was much talk about the ongoing Cop 21 in Paris. Most of it concentrated on the geopolitical dimension of climate negotiations: for example, Jason Box and Naomi Klein stress the link between global warming catastrophic...

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