[:en]COP21 Day 2: dominated by deforestation[:]
[:en][By editorial staff on Climateactionprogramme.org] The second day of the COP21 UN climate summit was dominated by forests on Tuesday, as ministers, businesses and NGOs unveiled global reforestation pledges. They underlined the importance of carbon sequestration in reducing emissions and are aiming to include strong reforestation measures in a new international climate agreement. A coalition of big businesses, including Unilever...
[:en]‘This Changes Everything’: What the Paris attacks mean for the climate protests[:]
[:en][By Claire Fauset on Newint.org] Key organizers are pushing for the climate marches and protests to go ahead in Paris despite threats of a government clampdown (see last night’s press statements by 350.org and Climate Coalition 21). Claire Fauset, one of many climate justice activists planning to attend the talks, explains why it’s more important than ever to take action in Paris. This changes everything. The title of Naomi...
[:en]A Review of ‘Land Grabbing – The Movie’[:]
[:en][By Jonah Wedekind on Entitleblog.org] Land Grabbing by Kurt Langbein offers a razor sharp visualization of the tremendous drivers and tragic dramas of mega investments in land. The new documentary Land Grabbing (Landraub) by Kurt Langbein is in cinemas across Europe this autumn and winter. The rush for land took off years ago, with the food and fuel price hikes of 2008. Perhaps the topic of land grabbing has been somewhat...
[:en]War and cover up in the Amazon[:]
[:en][By Felipe Milanez on Entitleblog.org] FUNAI, Brazil’s National Indigenous Foundation, is accused of ignoring a serious conflict between two indigenous tribes in the Amazon. Two hours after the original version of this text was published in Carta Capital, FUNAI informs about first contact omitting information about massacre. A “tribal war,” following the omission of the state, reportedly provoked a massacre of members of the...
[:en]The Left should embrace degrowth[:]
[:en][By Giorgios Kallis on Newint.org] Degrowth is a frontal attack on the ideology of economic growth. Some call it a critique: a slogan or a ‘missile word’. Others talk of the ‘theory of’ – or the ‘literature on’ – degrowth; or of degrowth policies’. Many see themselves as the ‘degrowth movement’ or claim they live ‘the degrowth way’. What is degrowth and where did it come from? Origins Intellectually, the origins of degrowth are...
[:en]EJOLT Report 23: Refocusing resistance for climate justice. COPing in, COPing out and beyond Paris[:]
[:en][ ejolt.org] The full report can be downloaded here. Abstract The climate and environmental justice debates are heating up ahead of the United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP21, scheduled for December this year in Paris. In theory, the conference objective is to achieve a legally binding and universal agreement on climate change, from all the nations of the world. However, within the United Nations Framework Convention on...