[:en]La crisis del agua en Chile[:]

[:en]La crisis del agua en Chile[:]

[:en][by Cristián Frêne on entitleblog.org] La crisis hídrica ha puesto nuevamente en el debate los problemas de acceso, propiedad, calidad y disponibilidad de agua en Chile. El sistema privatizado de aguas en Chile junto a la economía enfocada a la exportación, hacen crisis ante momentos de escasez en todo el territorio chileno. Algunos colectivos luchan porque se formulen mecanismos equitativos de acceso y uso, que respondan a las...

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[:en]Another take on gold mining[:]

[:en]Another take on gold mining[:]

[:en][by Julie de los Reyes on entitleblog.org ] How gold has circulated matters for understanding the impetus for gold extraction.   A recent presentation in London on the gold market’s outlook served as a reminder on the importance of paying attention not only to the production of things, but also how they are circulated. For industry analysts, the linkages are quite clear: that any prognosis on the gold market, and any...

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[:en]Corporate COP21 – it’s official[:]

[:en]Corporate COP21 – it’s official[:]

[:en][from corporateeurope.org]The first corporate sponsors of this winter’s ‘historic’ UN climate talks (COP21) have been unofficially unveiled: luxury brand Luis Vuitton (LVMH) and Suez Environment, a key member of the French pro-fracking lobby. According to an article by ATTAC’s Maxime Combes(link is external), others were initially announced in the press (BMW, Vattenfall and New Holland Agriculture) but...

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[:en]Gudynas: Thinking like Araucarias: development and conservation in other timescales[:]

[:en]Gudynas: Thinking like Araucarias: development and conservation in other timescales[:]

[:en][by Eduardo Gudynas on entitleblog.org] The dramatic loss of forests in Southern Chile and Argentina challenges classical environmental policies. Their recovery requires environmental planning in the time scale of centuries and even beyond one thousand years. But the time scales considered under present-day development hardly deal with a few years of recovery. Consequently, an effective conservation requires placing objectives in...

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[:en]Incorporating Induced Seismicity in the 2014 United States National Seismic Hazard Model—Results of 2014 Workshop and Sensitivity Studies[:]

[:en]Incorporating Induced Seismicity in the 2014 United States National Seismic Hazard Model—Results of 2014 Workshop and Sensitivity Studies[:]

[:en][By Mark D. Petersen, Charles S. Mueller, Morgan P. Moschetti, Susan M. Hoover, Justin L. Rubinstein, Andrea L. Llenos, Andrew J. Michael, William L. Ellsworth, Arthur F. McGarr, Austin A. Holland, and John G. Anderson]   Abstract The U.S. Geological Survey National Seismic Hazard Model for the conterminous United States was updated in 2014 to account for new methods, input models, and data necessary for assessing the...

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L’UE dice sì agli OGM: Monsanto ringrazia

L’UE dice sì agli OGM: Monsanto ringrazia

[di Gabriele Cruciata su Il Vittoriale] «Queste autorizzazioni confermano che Juncker non ha alcuna intenzione di avvicinare l’Unione Europea ai suoi cittadini, ma vuole solamente agevolare gli interessi di Stati Uniti e Monsanto». Con queste parole Federica Ferrario, responsabile della campagna Agricoltura Sostenibile di Greenpeace, ha accolto la decisione della Commissione UE – capitanata dal lussemburghese Jean-Claude Juncker – di...

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