A legal guide for communities seeking environmental justice

A legal guide for communities seeking environmental justice

CDCA presents its new publication: a manual to build communities and EJOs capacity to act at international legal level. How can Environmental Justice Organisations (EJOs), local communities or citizens make justice happen? What are the rules, tools and opportunities to fight back against environmental injustice? The report “A legal guide for communities seeking environmental justice” looks at a wide range of legal avenues that can...

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Biomass and Land Conflicts

Biomass and Land Conflicts

Industrial tree plantations and land grabbing are among the principal causes of deforestation and dispossession of the rural poor. on [Ejolt] Large-scale monocultures for pulp and paper production devastate landscapes and communities; while rich corporations and countries are hungrily buying up land in poor food-insecure countries for export. Owners of transnational companies, financiers, buyers of the pulp and crops produced are...

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No waste incineration in cement kilns

No waste incineration in cement kilns

Mariel Vilella reports on November 14, 2014 that “last weekend we gathered in Barletta, Italy, to put waste incineration in cement kilns on the spot once more. on[ EJOLT] By Joan Martínez Alier Mariel Vilella reports on November 14, 2014 that “last weekend we gathered in Barletta, Italy, to put waste incineration in cement kilns on the spot once more. It was a very exciting and inspiring meeting of community leaders, NGOs, waste...

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Fighting Environmental Crime

Fighting Environmental Crime

Over 50 experts working in the field of fighting environmental crimes gathered in Brussels on 3 November for a dialogue with policymakers, police and prosecutors from Europe and beyond. The conference “Smart Enforcement: How to Target Environmental Law Enforcement Efforts in Times of Crisis”, was organized by the EFFACE project (European Union Action to Fight Environmental Crime). by {Nick Meynen} on[ EJOLT] EFFACE studies the costs...

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Tanzania accused of backtracking over sale of Masai’s ancestral land

Tanzania accused of backtracking over sale of Masai’s ancestral land

Masai told to leave historic homeland by end of the year so it can become a hunting reserve for the Dubai royal family by {David Smith} on [The Guardian] The Tanzanian government has been accused of going back on a deal not to sell Maasai land bordering the Serengeti national park. Tanzania has been accused of reneging on its promise to 40,000 Masai pastoralists by going ahead with plans to evict them and turn their ancestral land...

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How saving West African forests might have prevented the Ebola epidemic

How saving West African forests might have prevented the Ebola epidemic

Deforestation has destroyed much of the region’s habitat for fruit bats – and put these Ebola carriers into greater contact with people [the guardian] The world now knows in great detail how Thomas Eric Duncan, a man who just a few weeks ago showed admirable compassion for a sick, pregnant neighbor in Liberia, has become the first person to come down with Ebola in the United States. What is less well known is how the virus came to...

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