ENTITLE at 4° Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity

ENTITLE at 4° Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity

[ENTITLE->https://cdca.it/spip.php?article2176&lang=en] members participated actively at the Fourth International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity that took place in the German city of Leipzig from September 2-6, 2014. The 2014 conference focused on concrete steps towards a society beyond the imperative of growth and it gave room for scientific debates, exchange between activists and economic...

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The growing debate on degrowht

The growing debate on degrowht

Why are a record 3000 thinkers gathering from 2 to 6 September in the German city Leipzig to discuss how we can get our economy to degrow? By {Nick Meynen} on [EJOLT] One reason is that a growing body of research from various disciplines shows that a policy focus on GDP growth is the major driver behind the long-term destruction of the conditions that make live enjoyable on this Earth. Another is that it makes sense to look into how...

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BP’s reckless conduct caused Deepwater Horizon oil spill, judge rules

BP’s reckless conduct caused Deepwater Horizon oil spill, judge rules

Judge’s ruling that BP bears 67% of blame for Deepwater Horizon disaster could nearly quadruple amount of civil penalties *[The Guardian] BP bears the majority of responsibility among the companies involved in the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, a federal judge ruled Thursday, citing the energy giant’s reckless conduct over the disaster in a ruling that exposes it to billions of dollars in penalties. BP plc already has agreed to pay...

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Rosewood traffic and criminalization of journalists in Madagascar

Rosewood traffic and criminalization of journalists in Madagascar

The logging of rosewood is a very sensitive issue in Madagascar. According to Global Witness and the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA), a dozen private operators and three main companies are benefiting from illegal logging in Masoala, while three banks facilitated the illegal timber trade. China is one main destination. by Nick on[ EJOLT] The logging of rosewood is a very sensitive issue in Madagascar. According to Global...

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A treaty to stop corporate crimes and impunity

A treaty to stop corporate crimes and impunity

EJOLT supports a worldwide campaign to stop corporate crimes and impunity by Nick on [Ejolt] Godwin Ojo from EJOLT partner ERA participated in a recent meeting from the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC), where a step toward a legally binding instrument to enforce human rights obligations on Transnational Corporations was taken. Here’s final statement from the Global Campaign to Dismantle Corporate Power and Stop Impunity...

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12-16th August | Rosia Montana Activist Social Forum (#RMForum)

12-16th August | Rosia Montana Activist Social Forum (#RMForum)

The Rosia Montana Activist Social Forum takes place during FânFest, the hay festival of Ro?ia Montan?, the biggest multi-art activist festival in Romania. 2014 marks the 3rd edition of the RMForum, which is scheduled from the 12 to the 16th of August, and the 9th edition of the festival. Rosia Montana Activist Social Forum (#RMForum) The fight against cyanide based gold mining and corruption often touches upon other initiatives,...

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