Ecocide, a new dimension to crime against environment

Ecocide, a new dimension to crime against environment

A new era in environmental protection has emerged in Nigeria and 94 other countries, where environmental violations by Transnational Corporations, especially those involved in oil and mineral exploration are rife, as new laws that stipulate stringent punishments for crimes against the environment in these countries are being worked out. by {Onche Odeh} on [daily indipendent ] This may put an end to the era when multinational oil and...

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Map of most influential environmental justice conflicts in the US

Map of most influential environmental justice conflicts in the US

The 40 most influential environmental justice conflicts in recent American history are now included in our Global Atlas of Environmental Justice . The U.S. cases were compiled by the University of Michigan’sSchool of Natural Resources and Environment. by {Nick} on [EJOLT] In the United States, decades of research have documented a strong correlation between the location of environmental burdens and the racial/ethnic background of the...

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Namibia’s Uranium Rush

Namibia’s Uranium Rush

Uranium mining companies have been exploring the arid country of Namibia looking to open new mines. Rössing, a Rio Tinto mine has already been operational for more than 30 years. The implications this mine and future operations is explored from the perspective of the communities living nearby [EJOLT] Marta Conde, a PhD candidate at ICTA-UAB and coordinator of EJOLT’s work on nuclear energy, investigates social movements and resistance...

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Environmentalists and workers of the world, unite!

Environmentalists and workers of the world, unite!

The conflict between labor and the environment is a neoliberal construct. What we need is a broad coalition that can fundamentally transform production. by {Stefania Barca}* on [] Nowadays it sounds so familiar, almost natural: the mutually exclusive demands and apparently opposing agendas of labor and the environmentalist movement. But in fact, this artificial division is nothing more than a crucial neoliberal strategy to...

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FânFest is the biggest multi-art activist festival in Romania which started with a community’s struggle to protect their land and inspired a generation.

FânFest is the biggest multi-art activist festival in Romania which started with a community’s struggle to protect their land and inspired a generation.

9 years ago a small seed was planted in Rosia Montana: can music spark a revolution? FânFest is the biggest multi-art activist festival in Romania. [indiegogo] It started with the battle to stop the largest gold mine in Europe and grew to be the epicenter of one of the biggest civil and environmental movements in Eastern Europe. This tiny village in the Apuseni Mountains in Transylvania has captured the imagination and hearts of...

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¡Chao HidroAysén!

¡Chao HidroAysén!

It’s not every day we celebrate a victory as significant and hard-won as today’s triumph in the eight-year campaign to protect Chilean Patagonia from the destructive HidroAysén dam project! by {Emily Jovais} on [ International Rivers] 6 June 2014 This morning, Chile’s highest administrative authority – the Committee of Ministers – made a unanimous decision to overturn the environmental permits for the controversial five...

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