Entitle fellows on the gold mine of Rosia Montana, Romania

Entitle fellows on the gold mine of Rosia Montana, Romania

The residents have been putting up a fight against the gold mining plans of the Gabriel Resources Company. [{George Velegrakis} for [xpressed->http://www.x-pressed.org/?xpd_article=interview-with-researcher-irina-velicu-on-the-gold-mine-of-rosia-montana-romania] interviews Irina Velicu] In the area of ??Rosia Montana in Romania the residents have been putting up a fight for the past 14 years against the gold mining plans of the...

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Yasuni: a new call for help from Ecuador

Yasuni: a new call for help from Ecuador

Urgent call: It’s the 11th hour to Save the Yasuni Rainforest Urgent call: It’s the 11th hour to Save the Yasuni Rainforest On April 11, Yasunidos, together with environmental, social, and indigenous organizations in Ecuador, will hand the government the signatures needed to call for a National Referendum to put a stop to oil exploration in Yasuni- National Park, with the following question to the Ecuadorean people: Are you in favor...

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GREEN lies, the dark side  of clean energy

GREEN lies, the dark side of clean energy

An independent documentary that reveals the dark side of renewable energy in Italy and investigates the risks that come with Green Economy speculation. The film has been produced with thanks to a crowd-funding campaign that raised funds through the public. SMK Videofactory has the pleasure of announcing the release of the independent documentary “Green Lies. The dirty face of clean energy”. The documentary was completed with the...

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Spring School on Social Movements

Spring School on Social Movements

The training focus on understanding theoretically social movements and reflecting on the skills necessary for doing research on – and with – social movements. The second training School of Entitle will be held at Lund University and focus on understanding theoretically social movements and reflecting on the skills necessary for doing research on – and with – social movements. The School is to be pre-dated by network internal meetings...

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Bruxelles, the Global Atlas on Environmental Justice

Bruxelles, the Global Atlas on Environmental Justice

The Environmental Justice Organisations, Liabilities and Trade (EJOLT) project presents its Global Atlas of Environmental Justice, a visually attractive and interactive online mapping platform detailing around 1000 environmental conflicts (and growing). The Environmental Justice Organisations, Liabilities and Trade (EJOLT) project launched on March 2014 its Global Atlas of Environmental Justice, a visually attractive and interactive...

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Launch of EJOLT environmental justice map

Launch of EJOLT environmental justice map

Some say the EU is active on the environmental justice agenda. There is the Aarhus Convention (2001), Environmental Liability Directive or ELD (2010) and the Environmental Crimes Directive (2012). But while Aarhus is a great tool for access to information, participation and justice; and the ELD should in theory prevent and remedy environmental damage, most member states limited the scope of the latter. Due to room for interpretation,...

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