Discover EJOLT reports on environmental justice

Discover EJOLT reports on environmental justice

We share here some of the reports developed by CDCA and their partners in the EJOLT project. Digging deep Corporate Liability. Environmental Justice strategies in the world of oil Abstract: The impacts provoked by the expanding oil industry encompass environmental destruction, health impacts and violations of human rights. The increasing contamination jeopardizes safe conditions of life and destroys means of livelihood of vulnerable...

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Between activism and science: grassroots concepts for sustainability coined by Environmental Justice Organizations

Between activism and science: grassroots concepts for sustainability coined by Environmental Justice Organizations

The EJOLT project team, coordinated by Prof. Joan Martinez Alier from ICTA, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, recently published the following analysis article on the basis of the exchange and outcomes of the project in the Journal of Political Ecology, Vol. 21, 2014. Abstract In their own battles and strategy meetings since the early 1980s, EJOs (environmental justice organizations) and their networks have introduced several...

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Italian mothers battle the mafia and toxic waste

Italian mothers battle the mafia and toxic waste

We publish here a comment from [ENTITLE project->] fellow, Salvatore De Rosa, on waste crisis and social mobilisation in the Campania region in Italy. The issue of Campania is reaching (again, after the urban waste crisis of 2008) the international news. The two articles below report on the strategy of a group of mothers who lost their children because of premature diseases, that with...

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Environmental Justice Documentary: We are going to remain here!

Environmental Justice Documentary: We are going to remain here!

‘We are going to remain here!’ is a 29-min documentary in which scholars, activists and people impacted by environmental injustices provide their views and testimonies to answer the question: ‘What is environmental justice?’ The Documentary has been produced by LaMCA, the Multimedia lab of Environmental Conflicts at ICTA-UAB and is promoted by the EJOLT project network. Watch the documentary and support its...

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Water is worth more than gold: Environmental Justice victory over the Corcoesto gold mining project (Spain)

Water is worth more than gold: Environmental Justice victory over the Corcoesto gold mining project (Spain)

Last October, 15th, the controversial Corcoesto gold mining project in Galicia, Spain, was cancelled. A successful environmental struggle! Last October, 15th, the controversial Corcoesto gold mining project in Cabana de Bergantiños (Galicia – Spain) was cancelled. This mining project had become the focus of a heated debate in Galicia over the last 15 months, mobilising thousands of people against it. Here we offer a summary of this...

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EJOLT Annual Meeting 2013 in Rome!

EJOLT Annual Meeting 2013 in Rome!

EJOLT unites leading legal experts and Environmental Justice activists in Rome Marking an important mid-term milestone, the EJOLT project has chosen Italy, an emblematic country for its environmental conflicts known worldwide, as the next location of the annual meeting. EJOLT partner CDCA—Documentation Centre on Environmental Conflicts—based in Rome, organized a series of activities from the 9th to the 15th of November that will...

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