keystonexlpipelineprotest_012417getty1[posted by Brigham A. McCown on Forbes, November 21, 2017] The long delayed Keystone XL Pipeline project came a step closer to becoming a reality this week after the Nebraska Public Service Commission voted to approve the line, albeit with a strange twist. The commission failed to adopt the proposed corridor, leaving many to question the commission’s real motives.

Keystone XL’s “preferred route” had been the subject of several federal and state environmental reviews spanning nearly a decade. The State Department as well as Nebraska’s Department of Environmental Quality had signed off on the route and, in fact, regulators and environmental expert reports totaled over 800,000 pages of information. Despite all of this information, the State’s elected commissioners opted for a route that has not been studied, and which will require the backers of Keystone XL to obtain at least 400 additional easements.

Initial reports on the decision were positive, yet upon closer examination, the pipeline’s future is murky at best. Originally proposed as a $5 billion project, years of delays have now pushed that price tag to well over $8 billion, and some believe yesterday’s decision will add at least another $1 billion to the total price.

Proposed in September of 2008 by the American subsidiary of TransCanada Corporation, few anticipated a routine extension to the original Keystone pipeline would morph into a decade long battle between pipeline supporters and environmentalists in conservative Nebraska. Perhaps inartfully named, “Keystone XL” became a lightning rod for climate change groups who believed KXL was the wrong project at the wrong time, in the wrong place. To these groups, not only were they losing the battle to keep oil in the ground, exploration companies were discovering oil in vast new quantities. Not only was the abundance of fossil fuels an issue, but so too was the manner in which the oil was extracted from Canada’s oil sands.

Buoyed by fears, national environmental groups won over the support of some in Nebraska who believed the pipeline offered little benefit to the state. “All risk no reward” became a common phrase used by climate activists who had stumbled upon the notion that if you cannot keep oil in the ground, the second best tactic was to attack the way in which fossil fuels are delivered to market. Of course the general welfare cannot be measured block by city block, or county by county; yet this narrative played well to Midwesterners whose number one goal was always to do no harm.

Yet to most experts, pipelines are not harmful. The U.S. pipeline infrastructure network is vast, over 2.6 million miles at last count and more than any other country in the world. For nearly a century this out of sight, out of mind, energy transportation infrastructure was, for the most part, quietly delivering nearly two-thirds of all energy products used daily by consumers.

Supporters say pipelines are extremely safe, the highest in fact of any transportation method, and boasting a 99.99+% safety record. Even the U.S. Department of Transportation, which oversees all types of transportation including pipelines, says that pipelines are the safest way to transport large quantities of energy products. Pipelines bring natural gas to U.S. homes, factories, and electric power plans while liquid pipelines deliver crude oil to refineries, and refined products such as gasoline, diesel fuel and chemicals to consumers. With so many benefits, few thought the Keystone XL project would be anything other than routine when it was proposed, especially in a red state such as Nebraska.

Such optimism however proved to be misguided as a local group led by a former AmeriCorps manager was able to convince red state Republicans that a new oil pipeline from Canada to the U.S. Gulf Coast would pose significant risks for Nebraskans. Bold Nebraska, as the group calls itself, ran an aggressive grass roots campaign to convince farmers that the new pipeline posed a significant risk to the state’s underground water supply in the Ogallala aquifer. That message, combined with early missteps by TransCanada gave the group the traction it needed to slow the project down.

Bold Nebraska’s initial position was to seek a route change from Nebraska’s sand hills where ecological areas, they argued, could be upset and where the aquifer was nearer the surface. When TransCanada agreed however, Bold Nebraska pivoted, claiming that the new route was also unsafe.

While Nebraska has several pipelines traveling over the aquifer, including the Platt crude oil pipeline, which was placed into service in the 1950s, the water argument stuck a chord with some Nebraskans. While supporters debunked these arguments with geologists and other experts, opponents were able to take advantage of the delay to reinforce their message to core supporters who raised significant sums of money while appearing in various news outlets offering their views on climate change.

Exactly when Keystone XL became a lightning rod for climate change activists is hard to define, the Obama administration played a significant role in undermining the project. After studying the potential environmental effects for almost six years, the State Department issued an environmental analysis which said Canadian oil would make it to market with or without the project, and that other transportation options would result in more spills, more injuries, and even more deaths. Nonetheless, President Obama declined to approve the project and after protracted deliberations, announced that the project was not in the national interest of the U.S., essentially overturning his own administration’s studies, citing climate change in general.

The Keystone pipeline as it turns out is not a single pipeline at all; rather it is a series of multiple pipelines. Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the Keystone system has been delivering a little over 500,000 barrels (21 million gallons) of Canadian crude to the U.S. per day since 2010.

While President Obama rejected TransCanada’s KXL application in November of 2016, many have overlooked the fact that he did approve the southern half of Keystone XL in March of 2012. Formerly known as Phase 3, the Southern half of KXL became operational in 2014 and extended the system from Cushing, Oklahoma to Gulf Coast refineries. The new section also increased daily capacity by 200,000 barrels per day and increased daily capacity to approximately 700,000 barrels (8.4 million gallons) per day.

The Northern portion of KXL languished, that is until Donald Trump was elected president. Building off of his Republican base, including previous presidential candidates, Trump promised to resurrect the KXL project and to prioritize the rebuilding of America’s infrastructure.

Unfortunately Nebraska’s decision did little to restore confidence that important infrastructure projects can be permitted in a timely manner. Whether or not TransCanada will appeal the decision, accept the added market costs, or shelve the project altogether for the time being is very much anyone’s guess.

One thing is for certain however; Infrastructure projects require regulatory certainty, and Nebraska’s latest decision seems to have missed the forrest for the trees and the Public Services Commission will appease some while also continuing to hold this routine infrastructure hostage for years to come.